Welcome to the Hope Ecovillage Blog

We are pursuing the development of an Ecovillage in the Rochester, Minnesota area. An Ecovillage is an urban or rural community that strives to integrate a supportive social environment with a low-impact way of life. Our vision is a village of 10-20 homes clustered to enable sharing of utilities and resources on 5-10 acres. This will be an off-the-grid development that we hope will demonstrate an alternative to a conventional low sustainability housing development. If this concept interests you, please get in touch with us and keep checking back for updates on our progress. You can comment below or email me at hope.ecovillage@gmail.com

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Post-Green Living Expo

Mary and I had a wonderful visit at the Green Living Expo on Saturday. We attended a few classes and walked around seeing what's new in sustainable living. The Expo grew quite a bit this year which is a good sign of change.

One of my main objectives of going to the expo was to meet with Tim Eian, the Passiv House architect. He was pretty busy at his booth most of the day, but towards the end I was able to spend about a half hour visiting with him and his associate. He shared a house plan that was a 1800 sq ft superinsulated home that would use 75% less energy to heat and cool. Based on todays costs, it would cost $55/month to heat and cool. I was originally sold on SIPs but I am now thinking double-wall superinsulation is the way to go. This will decrease the amount of renewable energy required and conserve first. The objective then is to find ways to drive down the costs of superinsulating to make it competitive with conventional building techniques in hopes of making it mainstream.

I arranged a meeting with interested parties so far, for Monday, May 16th at 7:00. The meeting will be held at Whistle Binkies South.

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